Thursday, February 12, 2009

a slight mistake was made... i found my hiku for february 1st. Make the other one for feb 2nd... the three hundred six five hiku. it wasnt until after i wrote about my beanie that i realized i need to do this everyday!

Jared's Beanie

Jared's Beanie Gone
off a cliff taken by God
time to go shopping

Feb 1, 2009

Hike You!

So i found some of the Hiku's I wrote while i was at work.... the book begins with number 1

Jared's Hiku For The Day

"My toes are very cold
Yes I am wearing black socks
My toes are still cold"

Jan 31, 2009

Then the idea hit me with....

365 Hikus
"Three Hundred six five
Hikus, one has to be great
publish one I must"

Feb 1, 2009

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


HIKU's have changed my life recently. I picked 'em up in grade school somehow, while trying not to pay attention, this seemed to make a significant impression on my life. Recently, at work, I had been sitting on my ass waiting to audition people (which for me entitled taking pictures and measuring people). When I would hit a point in which people seemed not to show up I would play hangman with my fellow coworkers. Then I found myself without a hangman buddy, one day. I found myself counting my own blinks.... there had to be a more productive use of my time.... then someone asked me about my cold feet, and immediatly I thought, "I must write this in Hiku". So I did, it had been a smash hit Hiku among my coworkers. Then another idea came to me.... "write one for every day for the next year! there is bound to be a really great Hiku if I write 365 of them" "right?"

So now my quest begins! To write a Hiku everyday for a year! it is splended. I have written a weeks worth so far, but unfortunatly I must track them down. "The key here is Organization"-William Murderface.

Adios! and i will try and find the strays and post them!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Late Mrs. Rodriguez

So today at around 3 o'clock my grandma passed away. She had cancer for a bit, but it went away. She was in the hospital for a few months and then my father, along with aunts and uncles, brought her home to take care of her. I was visiting with my parents today and they got a phone call, i knew it was the call. The one where someone is telling someone else that their mother is dead. Then my dad looked at my mom and said she was gone. He looked at me and said "my mother is dead", right at that moment my body went numb. I had seen this coming for months, i had expected this. Yet, i still was not prepared for it. My body felt cold, i thought to my self in that split second, will i be saying that to my children... "my mother is dead" those words are haunting me right now. i have not cried, yet, i dont know if its coming. I felt it creep up when my friend chad showed up at my door to say he was sorry for my loss, when he gave me a big hug.

My grandmother and i were not very close, we used to be when i was little. Then i felt less and less important, because we stopped showing up for Christmases and thanksgivings. I blame myself, i dont know why i would let things grow apart like that. I know its because i have not felt like i was part of their family, my family. Is it because i was half white? is it because they crowded everyone into a tiny house and i didnt like to be around that? why didnt i feel welcome? she was always happy to see me, right? i dont know. i know she loved me... but something was not right. so i avoided it. i was so afraid to visit her in the hospital, i hadnt seen her in such a long time, i was afraid i would burst into tears, to see my grandma bed ridden and helpless.

I am very thankful though, that my grandma knew God. She knew exactley where she was going when she died, and i know she had no doubt in her heart. I hope she can hear my thoughts, I love her and i will miss her, and i cant wait to see her again.

Goodbye Grandma,


Monday, January 5, 2009

the first one

Hey to everyone out there reading this. My name is Jared, not much to know except that I really enjoy playing guitar. I was convinced to start a blog by my neighbor a Mr. Chad Heskett, a very close and very dear friend to me. We had just finished with a well deserved end of the day or (night cap) of Rockband followed by and well earned hot tub. The night was fantastic and after the tub and excellent conversation, we treated ourselves to some mini corndogs and yellow drink... smoothie with lemon? Watched an episode of south park, and then i walked to my apartment to a friskey cat (Gabriel) who is my roomate, Bobby's, Kitten. I am very tired and i should be heading to bed, but i hope i will be able to sleep. The past few nights have been restless, i have been lying in bed until about 5am then i fall asleep. I end up waking up at noon... which is very lame. I'm usually a morning peorson. So i am going to try one more time to go to bed and wake up early, if all else fails i will probably start taking nightquil to help me sleep. since this is my first blog, it probably isnt very interesting, i will post some of my dreams up. I have the craziest dreams ever.

Until next posting
